総合歯学教育学講座 歯学教育学分野 / 生体機能学講座 歯科薬理学分野 / 麻酔科学講座 歯科麻酔学分野
Tsukimoto S, Kitaura A, Kuroda H, Imaizumi U, Yoshino F, Yoshida A, Nakao S, Ohta N, Nakajima Y, Sanuki T
:Anti-inflammatory potential of remimazolam: A laboratory and clinical investigation. Immunity, Inflammation and Disease, 12, e1218, 2024. doi: 10.1002/iid3.1218
口腔外科学講座 口腔外科学分野 / 麻酔科学講座 歯科麻酔学分野
Yamaguchi A, Tsukimoto S, Kuroda H, Imaizumi U, Katagiri N, Katayama T, Kishimoto N, Kido K, Abe T, Sanuki T
:Survey on the Awareness of the Use of Oropharyngeal Throat Packs in Dental Anesthesia: An International Online Survey. Cureus, 16(1), e52320, 2024. doi: 10.7759/cureus.52320
麻酔科学講座 歯科麻酔学分野
Sanuki T, Kuroda H, Imaizumi U, Tsukimoto S, Katagiri N, Mizutani A, Ohnaka M, Kurata S, Kishimoto N, Kido K
:The Impact of COVID-19 on Dental Anesthesiologists: An Online Survey of Board-Certified Dental Anesthesiology Specialists of the Japanese Dental Society of Anesthesiology. Anesthesia Progress, 70, 168-172, 2023.
麻酔科学講座 歯科麻酔学分野
Imaizumi U, Kuroda H, Tsukimoto S, Katagiri N, Sanuki T
:Analysis of Sedation Accident Records Available in the Japan Council for Quality Health Care Public Database. Cureus, 16(2), e54793, 2024. doi: 10.7759/cureus.54793
歯科保存学講座 歯周病学分野 / 麻酔科学講座 歯科麻酔学分野
Kuroda H, Taniguchi K, Tsukimoto S, Imaizumi U, Komaki M, Sanuki T
:Carbamazepine-Induced Systemic Lupus Erythematosus in a Patient With Idiopathic Trigeminal Neuralgia: A Case Report. Cureus, 15(10), e47009, 2023. doi: 10.7759/cureus.47009
麻酔科学講座 歯科麻酔学分野
Kitaura A, Iwamoto T, Hamasaki S, Tsukimoto S, Nakajima Y
:Successful Nafamostat Mesilate Administration for Andexanet Alfa-Induced Heparin Resistance. Cureus, 15(8), e44003, 2023. doi: 10.7759/cureus.44003
麻酔科学講座 歯科麻酔学分野
Kitaura A, Sakamoto H, Toho K, Tsukimoto S, Yuasa H, Nakajima Y
:Unexpected abnormal positive pressure due to misconnection of excess gas tube. JA Clinical Reports, 9, 83, 2023. doi: 10.1186/s40981-023-00677-x
麻酔科学講座 歯科麻酔学分野
Sakamoto H, Kitaura A, Tsukimoto S, Yoshino Y, Mino T, Yuasa H, Nakajima Y
:Stroke volume variation remains accurate in the presence of proximal stenosis. JA Clinical Reports, 10, 13, 2024. doi: 10.1186/s40981-024-00693-5